Meet Lauren

Beautiful people making beautiful work. Raindrop is full of talented and creative characters. Just Raindrop Things is a new blog series where we feature our Raindroppers.

Get to know your senior designer, Lauren!

What is your favorite brand and why?

I love the brand Knock Knock. Their stationery, books, and other fun items are all extremely clever, witty, and created with quality design. I feel like this brand maps back to my personality and style as a designer: bold typography and fun illustrations, with lots of sarcasm packed in wherever possible. (Also, rad that the CEO/ brains behind the brand is female!)

We hear you have a pretty cool side gig! Do you mind telling us about it?

I do not mind ;-). I have a stationery, hand lettering brand called Lo and Behold Creative. Ever since I can remember I started crafting cards for my loved ones. Eventually when I made legit cards utilizing my graphic design skills, those close to me encouraged that I sell them. They are my true passion and I sell them online through my Etsy store and in 2 local San Diego shops!

What is your best idea for a reality TV show?

Plain and simple – one of my family. Most likely set on one of our vacations or just when we are all together (immediate and extended). This has been suggested before since we are a fun, wild, interesting bunch that has some very unique traditions! (I’m so #blessed for them.)

What does your ideal Saturday consist of?

A perfect blend of relaxation, productivity and fun. I am notorious for sleeping in,… enjoy a local San Diego hike or activity (beach volleyball!), and love having friends over for adult beverages, yummy appetizers and board games!

If you won the lottery, what’s one charitable cause you would fix/donate a large sum of money to and why?

I would donate to two specific cancer research charities that are near and dear to my heart. A great family friend of mine overcame Leukemia and a dear friend of mine lost his battle. Would love to try and help others that have to go through these terrible times.